If you don't want to know my political views, avoid this post
Typically, I try to do a pretty solid job of staying neutral on political and religious topics on Facebook and in general conversation. I like my friends. I want to keep them. Of course, this week, with the DOMA and same-sex marriage cases hitting the supreme court, no one is neutral. Even those that are "trying" to be neutral, seem to be making a few snide comments about the thoughts of the "other" side. I will grant, some people are Switzerland. Kudos to them. Or maybe we've had enough Switzerlands, and it's time to stand up and say what you really think, no matter how unpopular it might be with your friends. (Switzerland) So let me start with this: I support same-sex marriage. I would be the worst person to fight against same-sex marriage because I'm horrible at marriage. Of course, my current husband would probably disagree... but my ex-husband? Yeah, he'll be the first to tell you that I'm not great at being married. ...