Pinterest (and Food Network Magazine) - I am impressed
For the past week or so, I have been deeply enjoying my vacation with no where to go and a minimum of grown-up pants. The amount of time I've been spending in my pajamas in almost obscene, and I've accomplished virtually nothing. I have, however, taken some of this time to experiment with some of the many Pinterest boards I've collected in the past couple of years. From time to time, I do scroll through my boards and pick out recipes to try and the occasional craft project to tackle. This week, I decided to amp it up a little bit and try a few different things.... mostly sweet things, but I must admit that I've been impressed by the results. Here's the wrap-up (to date) 1. Delicious homemade toffee. It called "salted dark chocolate almond toffee" and reported to be the most delicious toffee in the world. I have not been everywhere in the world, but it is pretty delicious. The blogger has gone through the trouble of screwing up toffee...