Internet Famous! Woot!

This picture has made Mike and I internet famous - in a HUGE way. I'm not exactly sure how or when it started, but someone linked this photo from my Facebook page to a "weird wedding photos" contest. The website actually emailed me to ask if they could use it and got my explanation of the photo. I mean, look at it -- it's a weird picture. And the internet seems to agree with us. Every few months it seems to pop up on a list of 21 Wedding Photos that went Hilariously Wrong or something equally weird. We even made Buzzfeed , which is kind of awesome, because I love Buzzfeed. We are also on The Daily Mail . However, there's a problem. I realized today, after the latest round of internet weirdness - this time on - that somewhere along the way, someone in Poland decided they would claim the rights to this photo - and went so far as to put a watermark on it claiming ownership. THAT p...