Why teachers stop teaching - part 2
A few days ago, I got in my first ever Twitter scuffle (I won't call it an all-out Twitter war, because let's be honest, I'm not that important) with a local journalist. He wrote about the contract dispute between the teachers and the local school district, blaming teachers and labor unions for the school district's budgetary problems. I disagreed. A lot. I also felt the facts he used in his article were misleading, and in some places outright incorrect. So I responded to him directly and wrote a fairly lengthy blog post airing my opinion. OMG! Kermit is using the wrong your/you're! If you haven't read the first part of this post, it's fairly lengthy. In short, I talk about how teachers are educated professionals that deserve to be treated with respect and deserve to be paid a reasonable salary. Eventually, teachers leave the profession for lack of money. I shared it on social media and got quite a bit of feedback - much more th...